Kumo Japan Drama sneak!!
Japan Drama Story:
Ino Mamako (Hasegawa Kyoko) 長谷川京子 resigned from being a school teacher after confronted the headmaster for better benefits. While searching for a better job, Ino Mamako (Hasegawa Kyoko) 長谷川京子 decided to go for a career change seminar. At the seminar Ino Mamako (Hasegawa Kyoko) 長谷川京子 met Ebisawa Yasuo (Namase Katsuhisa) 生瀬勝久 the Speaker which is also the boss of career change advisor company name Life Partners. Instead of figuring out which career she needs to take on, Ino Mamako (Hasegawa Kyoko) 長谷川京子 ends up working as an agent under Ebisawa Yasuo (Namase Katsuhisa) 生瀬勝久. Being an agent is not her intention in the first place but she began to feel this change might help her discover what she actually wants to do.
Feelings and comments:
The main focus of this drama is the information regarding career change or job hunting. I’m more interested about the tips and guide on finding the right suitable job rather than the story, acting and stages. I suppose that’s the main stuff that makes this drama interesting.
There are a lot of quotes and thoughts about being an employee and finding the right job. Personally I love the quote “The price or value or a person is judge by the market.” That means your salary are very much depends on how much a company needs you. The value of a fresh graduate is judge by the education level obtain. Once fresh graduate get pass the first entry of working society, the value of a person starts decreases if one does not continue to learn or improve. After working for several years and when it comes to changing job or career, it’s not about what you have done. It’s basically what you can do for the company right now.
Changing job or getting a different career is not about trying to change the work load, pressure and responsibility. The only thing that will change is our life style. All the above will still remain the same because that’s what working is about. Changing job will lead to an adjustment of work load, pressure and responsibility. All these will eventually affect your life because half of your life is spend on working. Those changes will definitely affect the other half of your personal life.
There are lots of questions we think about when we start working. The one thing that most of us worried about is how long can we continue to work here and do we need to change job for a better life. There won’t be any job for us if we don’t have a value to the company. If that is the case we just have to increase our values to companies. Each of us is unique in a sense and with different ability. We just have to understand ourselves and pin point our ability and sell it to companies that required our service. That eventually places us in a higher price. If this company no longer needs you, then just find another company that needs you.
Things that caught my eyes:
Each episode presented a scenario which all of us that are holding a job will faces eventually. All the information shown in this drama can help a person reevaluate themselves before decided to change job or career.
Japan Drama Rating:
Interesting to watch. This drama is good for employees and those that are just starting to work in society. There are lots of interesting points that salary man faces and needs attention which can be found in this drama.
Original Soundtrack, 2010 Japanese Drama : Angel Bank w/ Eng Sub
Drama Theme Song: Hana Tori Kaze Tsuki by Remioromen
Japan Drama Preview:
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