Japan Drama Story:
Hatakeyama Kurumi (Nakama Yukie) 仲間由紀惠 is a young detective assign to partner with Sakura Hanako (Izumi Pinko) 泉ピン子, an experienced veteran detective that difficult to catch up with. They are the only 2 women detectives in that area. The only thing that Hatakeyama Kurumi (Nakama Yukie) 仲間由紀惠 good at is her vision and shooting. That makes it difficult for Sakura Hanako (Izumi Pinko) 泉ピン子 as she needs to put an eye on her and guide her at the same time. Both of them have a hard time getting along but still able to work together and solve the crimes.
Feelings and Comments:
This is surely a detective drama with plan tone (boring). The cases presented are not interesting at all. Even after finishing the first 3 episodes still unable to build up the momentum to rush for the story. The only thing that keeps me watching the drama is no other then Nakama Yukie (仲間由紀惠).
It was interesting to have a Korean actor - Ryu Shi Won (류시원) in the drama but his acting is just not into it. His tone of voice is just the same from the beginning until the end. Maybe it’s because of the language barrier.
Things that caught my eyes:
The small police gun that was used by Hatakeyama Kurumi is very handy in knocking down things.
Japan Drama Rating:
Fan of Nakama Yukie (仲間由紀惠) should watch. If not then skip it.
TV series
Japan Drama Preview: