Japan Drama Story:
Taguchi Kohei (Ito Atsushi ) 伊藤淳史and Shiratori Keisuke (Nakamura Toru ) 仲村トオルare brought into an investigation regarding a case of 3 consecutive death on the operation room in Tojo University Hospital. The surgical team involves is specialize in Batista operation. Since the formation of the team, they set a record of 27 success operation without any failing. After that the team continuously received 3 failures during the operation causing the death of 3 patients on the operation table. As Batista operation is a difficult heart operation, cases of patients die during the operation is normal. But for the case of 3 consecutive deaths, chances are something has terribly gone wrong. The cause of the death might not simply be just medical mistake, worst of all this might the work of a murderer.
Feelings and comments:
At first I thought this is just another medical surgical drama but I was wrong. It’s actually a detective investigation drama with the crime scene in the surgical room. The scrip of the drama is well written in a way that you’ll keep on watching it once started.
No doubt that doctor carries great responsibility in saving lives. I can’t imagine if doctors start killing patients simply for their pleasure, glory or anything else. Even so we can see that doctors still make mistakes just like everyone else. The difference is they reduce the chances of mistakes using knowledge, rules and experience. Still nothing is perfect, we can only hope for the best. At the end of the day, doctors might be the best choice we have.
Things that caught my eyes:
It’s another drama that introduces Batista surgical procedure. Most important of all the drama also tells us that doctors are ordinary people too. They can’t save everybody and they are not perfect.
Japan Drama Rating:
Worth watching. It’s actually a very interesting investigation drama, detective story that took place in the hospital.
2008 Japanese Drama : Team Batista No Eiko w/ English Subtitle
Drama Theme Song: Mamoritai Mono by Aoyama Thelma
Japan Drama Preview: